Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Never Ending Road

Sometimes I mix absinthe with my whiskey if I have a particularly long journey, it helps my perception...


Anonymous said...

Mr Totties, your perception is WARPED! HAHAHHAHHAAAAAA Are you really a bus driver, or actually in an asylum ... or maybe locked in the Queen's dungeon which might explain the bagpipes ...

Mr Totties said...

I am a very skilled and competent bus driver! I've never worked out why I hear bagpipes or why The Never Ending Road never ends when I mix absinthe and whiskey. I'm still working that one out.

Anonymous said...

Only try to work that one out when not mixing absinthe and whiskey! You probably won't though because a Tosser!

Mr Totties said...

I bet you can't drive like me because YOU'RE a tosser!!

Lavender said...

I dont think it has anything to do with the absinthe...I think it has much more to do with your travels in the 60's......flashbacks!

Anonymous said...

"Travelling" ... does include buses but the Tosser was FLYING not driving. Hhehhheeeee.

Mr Totties said...

Lavender.. yes my mind did travel in the 60's and I don't think it's returned yet. Absinthe fills a space until it does.

Anonymous.. I was fricken flying right enough you tosser.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

You certainly have crusty arms, Mr. Totties. Ever tried lotion?

Mr Totties said...

Yes I've tried lotion with whiskey, bourbon, tequila, vodka, gin, and brandy. It's works every time.