Thursday, October 11, 2007

Off Road

Sometimes I take the road less traveled. If the passengers don't like it, they can shut up or get off the bus.


Anonymous said...

I hope you supply passengers with life jackets and crash helmets Mr Totties!

Mr Totties said...

No, I throw a potato at them you tosser.

Anonymous said...

I think you like being the TOSSER you are!

Mr Totties said...

Only a complete tosser would say that, so you are one and not me.



Anonymous said...

You can't deny a bus drive across a giant wave doesn't involve some sort of tossing, TOSSER!!!

Mr Totties said...

Shut up you knobbly goat.

Catnapping said...

Pickled eggs are bad for your health.

Mr Totties said...

I'm more pickled than any egg.

Anonymous said...

is this one of those subliminal pictures with phallic symbols hidden in the water?

Mr Totties said...

I don't think that's what the passengers think.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

I was going to ask the same question as Anon. We are BRILLIANT! You, Mr. Totties, are not.

Mr Totties said...

Get stuffed.