Wednesday, October 3, 2007

All Over The Place

I like driving buses and these are some of the places I've crashed them. Not all these places are on my route, but I drink whiskey when I'm driving and don't often know where I am.


Madcap Baroness with Teacup said...

Mr. Totties, will you be my designated driver?

Anonymous said...

Mr Totties ... you are a complete tosser!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Totties, Your picture used to hang on my bedroom wall, before the glasses. you still look as lovely as ever.

Mr Totties said...

Perriette... I will endevour to drive you anywhere and get you there alive if I can.

Anonymous... you don't know what you're talking about you complete tosser!!!



Switchsky... I know that picture, it's not me it's my twin brother. But thank you, I am lovely looking yes.

Anonymous said...

You are the BIGGEST tosser! Your whole head looks like a tosser. *SNORT*

Mr Totties said...

No I am NOT and no it DOS'NT!!!

Why have you got two tea-bags dangling beneath you?

Anonymous said...

That's your bum cheeks flapping in the wind! Turn around and you won't see them!!

Mr Totties said...

I've turned right around and can see them again, you Frickwitted Teabag Dangler!!!