Tuesday, October 23, 2007

World Cup Final 1966

I was fortunate enough to see Geoff Hurst score for England in the 1966 World Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. England beat West Germany 4-2 whilst I took a short-cut to Clapham and arrived in Scotland.


Anonymous said...

UMMM ERRR I can see there is a NO PARKING sign even though I'm NOT THERE!


Mr Totties said...

I did'nt stop I was trying to kill the Germans because they blew up my uncle in World War Two the rotten bastards.

Anonymous said...

You need to pull up your lederhosen Tosser!

Mr Totties said...

You need to shut yer gob you silly excuse for a half baked tosser.

Anonymous said...

You need to unknot your knobbly knees!

Mr Totties said...

What the fickin Hell are you! I need to change my trousers now.

Anonymous said...

Hhehhheeee ABOUT TIME!

Mr Totties said...

It's been a year, I must admit.